lundi 19 juillet 2010

C'est tellement soulageant se fâcher contre un "journaliste".

So what I’m trying to say is this: Christie Blatchford, you’re obsolete.
Because citizen media is here to stay. Why? because people like you, “real” journalists, aren’t doing their jobs. Maybe they’re too busy checking with their lawyers (or advertisers) to find out what is, and isn’t going to offend politicians, corporate sponsors, and publishers. Maybe they’re too busy having breakfast with Michelle Obama. Maybe they don’t think the largest mass arrest in Canadian history is worth a story. It certainly didn’t seem like it, when we read the papers the next day and found a wryly-smiling Queen on the Globe‘s front page. ...
 - Lex, de justin & lex

Mais ça ne fait probablement que défouler. Personne ne change, rien ne change. Comme toujours. C'est simplement nécessaire de percer l'abcès grandissant dans un esprit et de le lancer au visage d'un bouc émissaire\journaliste-désagréable. 

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